Instagram Swipe Video

Teresa Franco Macro Love

Teresa Franco’s Swipe Album as viewed from an iPad screen.

We often overlook what Teresa Franco sees. Using her iPhone, macro lenses and different camera apps, she has been taking magnificent macro photographs of insects and sprouting plants and posting them on Instagram. What looks like ET beings and alien landscapes are actually just garden life in miniature.

Teresa Franco's Instagram

Teresa has a solid portfolio of macro photographs on her Instagram feed and choosing photographs for the Swipe Album was pretty difficult. First we downloaded all the macro shots from her feed and then grouped her photographs and video by subject matter.

We decided on a theme of flowers for this page and played with the arrangement by color.
Teresa Franco Flowers

Here we picked a series of photographs of the same subjects (caterpillars) that somehow tell a story.
Teresa Franco Caterpillar

Below is a layout of two different subjects but the photos have the same mood to them.
Macro Photographs by Teresa Franco

These are Instagram photos of all shells but we made sure the patterns enhance the overall layout.
Teresa Franco Shells

For this spread it is a mix of colors and different insects.
Teresa Franco iOS macro camera app

With Instagram now with video, We included a few of Teresa Franco’s macro Instavideos on her Swipe Album. You can view, how her multimedia album looks with video of an Ipad screen here.

Teresa Franco iPhone Macro

Please view more of Teresa Franco’s work on her Instagram account: and her
Photojojo interview and macro tips.

Teresa Franco iPhone macro apps

Ideas Instagram

How to download photos from your Instagram account.

Like most people, you will probably have hundreds and even thousands of photos stored away on your Instagram account. If you do find yourself often asking ‘how do I backup Instagram photos to my hard drive’ then you will want to take a look at the follow tools which make the process simple and easy. While you can actually save photos to your hard drive directly from Instagram, the process is lengthy and annoying. You will have to open each and every photo individually in order to save them one by one. Take a look at the following software tools which simplify the process immensely.



Instaport is by far the favorite file downloading tool on the market for saving Instagram photos and videos to your hard drive. This tool is available for free on the internet and it gives you the ability to download all of the files from your account in a single ZIP file. You will begin by choosing the files that you want to copy onto your hard drive according to specific criteria. For example; Instaport will give you the ability to choose files according to the date that they were taken, specific locations where the photos or videos were taken and you can even download files according the hash-tag information. This ability to filter the files that you want to save will truly simplify the entire process rather than having to save each file one by one.

In order to begin saving the photos that you want you will simply have to open Instaport and log in with your Instagram account information. From there you will have to choose the ones that you want to save such as the previous 50 photos that were added, the photos from others that you have liked or even select photos that were added between two time periods. Once this has been completed you will have to select where you want the photos to be sent on your hard drive and export them. The exported files will be saved in a ZIP format which can be opened with tools like WinZIP or even WinRAR. If one of these two software tools are installed on your computer you will simply have to right click on the ZIP file and press the ‘extract here’ button in order to have access to all of your Instagram files on your hard drive.



Although Instaport is normally enjoyed by most users, there is another alternative available for saving photos and videos to your hard drive from Instagram. If you still wonder ‘how do I backup Instagram photos to my hard drive’ after using Instaport, you may want to give Copygram a try. This is not an actual software tool, but instead it works as a website. With Copygram you will be able to actually view and share Instagram photos directly in your web browser which makes it a cool alternative along with the ability to save your files onto your hard drive with ease.

To begin using Copygram you will have to create an account from their website for free. You will have to give them permission to access your Instagram account so that they can synchronize your photos and videos. Once you have created an account and logged into your Copygram account you will notice a big button near the top of the screen which says ‘Backup Photos’. After clicking on this button you will have to choose the photos that you want to save onto your hard drive. The process is not quite the same as Instaport because Copygram will send the ZIP file to your email account. However, you simply need to save that ZIP file onto your hard drive from your email account and then you will be able to extract it in the same way as you would with the ZIP file from Instaport.

Although Copygram is not precise when choosing the files that you want to save, it does offer a great alternative for saving the files onto your computer with ease. You will no longer have to download each file individually.

Instagram Swipe

Jake Verzosa’s Swipe Album

Jake Verzosa Instagram Photos

Jake Verzosa is a freelance fashion and commercial photographer based in Manila. His Instagram photos are mostly in black and white with subjects ranging from everyday life, family, personal work, travels and Vespas.

We particulary love his project on the vanishing tattoo traditions of the Kalinga women.

Jake Verzosa Kalinga Tattoo Project

This is our humble attempt to layout his work as a Swipe Album. We showed it to Jake and he likes how different the viewing experience is as compared to scrolling photos on Instagram.

Swipe through his album and tell us what you think.

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Follow Jake Versoza on the web http://matanglawin or on Instagram

More screen shots from Jake’s Album:
Jake Verzosa Swipe Album

Jake Verzosa Black and White Photos

Jake Verzosa Instagram Photo Album


Got an iPad? Start Swiping!

It’s so easy. Here’s how it works:

    1. You place an order for a Swipe Album.
    2. We design the album and show it to you.
    3. Upon approval of the album layout, we will send you the link and password where you can download your Swipe Album.
    4. Download the album files and enjoy Swiping!
    5. Share the link to your family and friends so they can also download your Swipe Album.



Enjoy your photos more!


Photographs capture the best memories of our lives. With the boom of iPhoneography and Instagram, we snap pictures of everything and everyone. As days pass, we seldom look at photos we took a few weeks ago and now we feel like we are drowning in photos. We yearn for the days we enjoyed flipping through old school albums that our moms painstakingly poured time making.

Swipe Album is a service where we layout your pictures into photo albums for your iPad or your iPad minis. Photo albums that are easy to bring and show to others. Photo albums you can share and let friends download to their devices as well.


All you’ll need is an iPad with an iBooks app (available for free at the Apple AppStore). With the iPad’s high-resolution retina screen, photographs are crisp, bright and jump out from the screen. The iPad screen is comparable to or even better than a printed photograph!

You don’t have an iPad? Don’t worry, we also include a PDF version you can open on your iPhone, laptop, computer or other Android devices.

If you’ve tried making a photo album, you know it’s not that easy to choose photographs much less lay them out to be visually engaging.

Let us layout it out for you.

Our experienced designers have 9 years experience in designing storybook wedding albums and have mastered storytelling and creating visually appealing photobooks.

Order your first Swipe Album here.