
Enjoy your photos more!


Photographs capture the best memories of our lives. With the boom of iPhoneography and Instagram, we snap pictures of everything and everyone. As days pass, we seldom look at photos we took a few weeks ago and now we feel like we are drowning in photos. We yearn for the days we enjoyed flipping through old school albums that our moms painstakingly poured time making.

Swipe Album is a service where we layout your pictures into photo albums for your iPad or your iPad minis. Photo albums that are easy to bring and show to others. Photo albums you can share and let friends download to their devices as well.


All you’ll need is an iPad with an iBooks app (available for free at the Apple AppStore). With the iPad’s high-resolution retina screen, photographs are crisp, bright and jump out from the screen. The iPad screen is comparable to or even better than a printed photograph!

You don’t have an iPad? Don’t worry, we also include a PDF version you can open on your iPhone, laptop, computer or other Android devices.

If you’ve tried making a photo album, you know it’s not that easy to choose photographs much less lay them out to be visually engaging.

Let us layout it out for you.

Our experienced designers have 9 years experience in designing storybook wedding albums and have mastered storytelling and creating visually appealing photobooks.

Order your first Swipe Album here.

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